The Walking Dead Interviews Wiki

What role/roles have you had in The Walking Dead?


A Woodbury Resident, two Zombies

Which Walker's did you portray?

In the second season was one that was on Hershel's farm and out of the barn.  Season three I was in the prison in the tombs.

Did your character have a name or backstory which was not shown/cut? If not, did you create one for yourself?

No. I'm afraid not.

Can you confirm you character's fate?

Died. Apparently...

Did you watch the show or read the graphic novel prior to your role?

I watched the show but not the books.

Who are your favorite characters?

I like the Governor.  I liked Dale, too.

Extra17 (The Suicide King)

What is the atmosphere like on the set of such a serious, dramatic show?

It was good. We really had fun during the Woodbury scenes.  When we were at the prison it was a little more serious. But all of us extras knew each other so we always had fun.

Was there anymore to the scenes that didn't make it past post-production with you in them?

There were a lot at the arena that I didn't see and also when we stormed the prison in the finale I didn't see myself a lot.

Do you have any interesting or funny stories from your time on the set? Let me see.

I know that I had the worst clothing of everybody-hands down.

Really why? What was wrong with it?They were so ugly and homely. Not my style at all.

What was the best thing about working on The Walking Dead?

Two things.  Actually feeling like I was really an actor in the scenes and the lasting friendships with most of our group.

Walk with me woodbury extras (11a)

If a zombie apocalypse were to happen, would you rather be in Woodbury or the prison?

I liked Woodbury.

Are you currently working on anything interesting that you can reveal?

The last thing I did was at Tyler perry studio.  The cut our scene so I'm sure I'll get back on that one. Didn't work last week or this week. Getting my house ready for thanksgiving.   Will hopefully work after next week.

Thank you again on behalf of the entire wiki! We appreciate it very much

You are welcome.
